Two to One
We are happy to arrange shared stays on all our homestay language courses. So if you would like to share with a friend, partner or family member, just let us know and we will do the rest.
General Course
If your language levels are similar:
Full information about General Courses →
If your language levels or course objectives are very different:
Junior Course
Generally students of a similar age have a similar language level. If there is a wide difference, we can arrange to divide the hours between them. Some one to one and some shared. This ensures a good learning experience and happy children.
We do not find it efficient to match unknown students from different countries as there can be a wide difference in language level, culture and interests. READ MORE →
Business & Professional Courses
These formulas are very flexible.
For example: A one teacher 20 or 25 hour Business Course could be adapted to offer shared morning lessons and then a second teacher could visit during the afternoon if one of the clients needs specific language practice.
Alternatively on a Professional Course both clients can stay with a host teacher and one client work with that teacher in the morning, while another teacher works with the second client. Then two different teachers can visit in the afternoon. This maintains the two teacher format but allows the accommodation and free time to be shared. Full information on Business and Professional Courses. READ MORE →